Nordic Conference on Construction Law – “Regulating Disruptions in Nordic Construction Contracts”
Information about the conference
The construction sector is expanding. At the same time, it struggles with productivity and a decrease in earnings and faces immense challenges related to green transition (decarbonisation) and a use of new technologies in the design and construction phase. Economic activity in the sector and in our societies in general will rely on efficient governance structures for construction projects.
In the beginning of 2025, Affärsrättsligt Centrum at Lunds universitet (ACLU) will arrange a Nordic conference on construction law on “Regulating Disruption in Nordic Construction Contracts” in collaboration with the Centre for Private Governance at Copenhagen University, the Department of Law at University of Iceland, Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law at Stockholm university, the Faculty of Law at University of Oslo and the Faculty of Law at University of Helsinki. The main purpose of this researched based conference is to connect researchers and practitioners from all the Nordic countries with an interest in construction contracts and construction law.
Even though there are differences between the regulations on construction contracts in the five Nordic countries, there are also many similarities. One common aspect of the regulation of construction contracts in the Nordic countries is the lack of legislation on the rights and duties of the contract parties (when the employer is not a consumer). Another is the development through court practice and legal theory of fundamental principles of (construction) contract law as default rules and principles for the interpretation of contracts. The lack of directly applicable legal rules has led to a wide use of standard forms. Each country has its own “family” of standard forms intended for construction contracts and a hereto connected corpus of jurisprudence.
We believe that a closer cross-country connection between legal academics and practitioners will have the potential to enrich and develop construction law in the Nordic countries. Further, it will shape the foundation for a closer interaction with international construction law environments.
Claims and disputes are common features in construction projects. The overarching theme of the conference is “Regulating Disruptions in Construction Contracts”. The theme focuses on what is constituted as a claim under the standard forms that are dominant in each Nordic country. It does not cover questions on evidence and measures on costs or delays. Thus, the conference will revolve around the contract terms in the standard forms and how these contracts are interpreted under common principles of construction contract law. The theme opens up general questions relating to regulations of disruptions as well as comparisons between the specific regulations in the standard forms.
During the conference, the following themes will be covered:
- How are disruptions regulated in Nordic standard forms?
- What can we learn from comparing Nordic standard form regulations?
- Grounds for disruption claims: Ground conditions.
- Grounds for disruption claims: Force majeure
- Grounds for disruption claims: Co-operation deficiency.
- Structuring disruption claims: “Global claims”.
The conference will take place in Lund on January 30 and 31, 2025. We aim to have a program covering one and a half days. There will be a mix of presentations, panel discussions and debates. Our aim is to have a blend of participants when it comes to experience, age, gender and nationality. The total amount of participants will be 100 persons maximum.
The conference will be held in English. Since the main purpose of the conference is to connect researchers and practitioners from all the Nordic countries, we believe that it is crucial that everyone can communicate in the same language. Even though many can speak and understand “Scandinavian”, we cannot assume that everyone can. Using English as the “working language” will make sure that no one is excluded based on language. This also opens the conference for interested parties outside the Nordics to join the conference and read the articles mentioned above.
Invitation and information
Click here to see the invitation (PDF, new window).
Click here to see the programme (PDF, new window).
Please click here to find more useful information about the conference (PDF, new window).
NOTE! The conference fee is 3 000 SEK and covers the dinner on January 30th. An invoice will be sent after the registration. The registration is binding.
A limited number of doctoral students may attend the conference for free. Please register on our website and contact andrea [dot] ekdahl [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (andrea[dot]ekdahl[at]jur[dot]lu[dot]se) to register your interest.
The total number of participants is limited to 100 persons.
Registration is closed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact aclu [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (aclu[at]jur[dot]lu[dot]se).
Om evenemanget
Palaestra et Odeum, Paradisgatan 4, Lund
aclu [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se